都说外贸路上布满了各种各样的荆棘,总是会走得艰辛。所以很多人望而却步,犹豫不决。The road ahead of foreign trade is full of difficultie, so many people step back or pause and ponder.
的确,这条道路并不是一帆风顺的,任何一位业务员都会遭到客户的冷眼; 但是,遇到瓶颈,没订单的时候,该如何跨过这道坎?
Indeed, the road is not smooth. Each salesman must suffer from indifference; however, how to conquer this bottleneck of having no orders?
As the saying goes: A healer will cure the disease, but a good healer will cure the source of disease. So we should explore the reasons.
一、分析没订单的理由 Analyze reasons
一)外在因素 External factor
Market environment, customer brand sales channels, product sales situation and peers’ vicious competition.
二)内在因素 Internal factor
A sentence from Jack Ma: what a successful man do once encounters difficulties, is to do self-inspect. That’s right, less order comes with self-problem. Now, please stop complaining and facing up yourself. Reasons are generally as follows:
You fail to be trusted by customers due to lack of professional and personality charm
Fail to accumulate enough customers
二、对症下药,努力改进提升 Figure out specific solution to improve ourselves
一)外在因素 External factor
1.知己知彼, 的确可以助力一把。所以就客户群体,市场,品牌来分析目前客户的购买力以及下订单规律。可以循着这些规律来跟踪客户,根据客户购买喜好来推荐介绍产品。
Knowing yourself as well as the enemy can indeed help you get more orders. Hence, analyze customers’ current purchasing power as well as order rule according to customers group, market, brands and so on. And then, you’d better follow up with them and recommend products taking the above rule into consideration.
Stagnation of following up. You can analyze whether there is possibility of the development. If there is, providing discount to make them be beneficial is suggested. But no matter what, as long as he is our target customer, we ought to keep contacting, updating products information and market information to customers.
二)内在因素 Internal factor
1.没有将心比心与客户沟通,获取客户信任。沟通要时刻以客户角度看问题, 并且了解客户的性格爱好,然后就客户性格用不同的沟通方式。譬如客户严肃性格的,那么必须要以严肃的态度对待客户的每件事情。
Fail to judge customers’ feelings by your own and obtain their trust. Standing in customers’ perspective is necessary, and get to know their personality so as to decide what communication way is needed. For example, if the customer is serious, we ought to communicate in this way.
A key weakness of a salesman must be lack of enough customers. We all know a process from quantitative changes to qualitative changes. So the reason of less order must be lack of enough customers. Please don’t be relaxed, you still have a long way to go about continuously developing customers.
Actually, not only foreign trade but also each matter is not quite easy. We should be grateful for unsmooth experience which brings us new thought.